David Won A 2017 CS Graduate

Wellness & Health Mobile App

An Android application that helps regulate your physical & mental fitness. Worked on this final year project for a year under a college professor at CUHK.

Will be released on Google Play later on!


To create an Android application that can automatically retrieve physical data & mental data from the user.

The data would then be translated into analytics for the user to view!

Tools Used

  • Worked with Java (Android), XML, Android Studio
  • Google Play Services Framework + Google Fit API
  • SQLite Database


  • Worked with two other group mates to design this application.
  • Implemented the Android version, while the other group implemented the iOS version.
  • Worked on every phase of software development, from research to implementation
  • Learned Android programming using Android Studio from scratch
  • Utilized many different libraries to improve the user interface

Lessons Learned

  • First time learning Android programming
  • Learned the importance of user interface design, and the reasons behind each element of UI
  • How to work with other teammates on a conceptual level (implementation was done by me).
  • A very fun, yet busy experience in which I learned how to deal with heavy pressure from the professor and coursework.

Screenshots (No source code)

1 / 4
Physical Fitness Screen
2 / 4
Exercise Analysis
3 / 4
4 / 4
Mood Dashboard