David Won A 2017 CS Graduate

CPAI Web Application Project

A web application for users to take the Cross-cultural Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI). Measures user’s personality and thoughts relative to surroundings. Also part of my final year project (FYP).


Our team was approached by the psychology department of CUHK, and were asked to implement a program that could facilitate the CPAI test taking procedure.

It was done on pen/paper, and they wanted us to convert it into “digital” form (mouse clicks).

NOTE: There was already an existing quiz-application, and we modified it to fit the requirements of the CPAI. We did not start from scratch, but we modified the code after studying the application called KEEPository.

Tools Used

  • Angular JS, MySQL DB, PHP
  • Mozilla Firefox for testing, VIM for editing


  • Modified the front-end part of the application, including UI
  • Added some extra non-existent functionalities e.g. randomizing question order, navigation
  • Communicated with group about backend modifications, and changed front-end accordingly.
  • Met up with Dr. Yuen Wan Ho, the CPAI representative, to fulfill her requests.
  • Learned some web-development languages for the first time (e.g. AngularJS)

Lessons Learned

  • It was a great experience working with a client, as it was very practical.
  • Learning another application’s code is harder than I preconceived, but it was very meaningful.
  • Worked alongside my Wellness and Health Mobile App, which improved my time-management skills.


Not available, as it is not released to the public yet. Will update when it is ready!